[GameMode] Very Basic Script

Started by SA:MP, May 06, 2023, 05:42 AM

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[GameMode] Very Basic Script

  • Base Login/Register Gamemode

This is just a basic script, which was requested by one of my friends to be made, so I am releasing it here. This script uses MySQL R41-4 and BCrypt for hashing passwords. I dont think there are any base scripts on forums which uses BCrypt as example(At least I dont know if there are any), Which is why I decided to release it for all the people, so that they can know how login/register system is made using MySQL and simple dialogs and also, how to use BCrypt.

  • Features

  • Based on MySQL.

  • Login and Register using normal dialogs.

  • BCrypt Hashing so its very much secure.

  • Saves user's info upon disconnect and loads it on connect. Incl. Positions.

  • Very easy and straight forward scripting.

  • Requirements

  • BlueG's MySQL R41-4

  • BCrypt Plugin and Include

  • MySQL Server installed

  • Screenshots & Downloads

Credits to the creators of above specified plugins and includes.

This script was created for beginners and therefore help will be provided by me ONLY if you provide proper details of error/problem you are having and you must show me what did you try to solve it on your behalf. The script shouldn't have any bugs, but if there are tell me down there.

Source: [GameMode] Very Basic Script