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SA-MP => General => Topic started by: SA:MP on May 05, 2023, 05:46 AM

Title: [Development] SA:MP Luftschlacht - strategic WW2 Gameplay
Post by: SA:MP on May 05, 2023, 05:46 AM
[Development] SA:MP Luftschlacht - strategic WW2 Gameplay

What is SA:MP Luftschlacht?

SA: MP Luftschlacht is an international SA:MP Deathmatch Server

which simulates battles and strategies from World War II.

But not just WW2. Its a complete new concept of playing. We invent very

creative ways to to allow you the greatest fun.

>> The player is not simply spawned with a weapon "out of nothing", he gets it from the supply-truck

that has to be regularly recharged by other players with new weapons.

But if you get cut by your supply line and encircled , you have the choice: Fight or Surrender.

>> You can already tell: team play is everything here. The game is kept realistic and not embellished, which means:

if you have an inexperienced commander, or just too inexperienced players, you lose. (Even if the commanders

are checked beforehand).

I can't say any more now, the steady development of the game mode is announced here.


The progress of the game mode in days (day X, day Y) is published here more or less regularly.

The game mode is based on my script "LUFTSCHLACHT" developed about a year ago.

So the basic system already exists.

Goals (development) ::

--> Realistic bombing for SA: MP ratios (so that it no longer looks like up there )

--> Restructuring the game mode into a real team death match, remove phase system.

--> Players can set up positions if they have enough materials (from the replenishment trucks).

--> Set up locations where trucks can pick up supplies.

--> Command system for commanders (create players or squads, command squad to take position X, tank X command to go there).

--> Insert artillery to bomb enemy positions (thanks to Kaliber) + mark the place where the guns hit, with a checkpoint (with arrow keys).

--> Statistics for vehicles (health, ammunition (e.g. bombs for airplanes)). Place where they can be replenished.

Provide the individual players with jobs (tank drivers, aircraft pilots, replenishments, etc.) and possibly bonus points for replenishment drivers> more morale.

-->Front system, automatically assign the player a seat on the front. Just like in Hoi4. (As far as I know, it is not possible to draw a front line in SA: MP).

--> Some kind of "/available" System. If you go available, the commander can put you in a squad for

doing a parachute drop.

Well, that's it for now.

Like I've said, there will be daily updates from the development of the server here

Interested? ::

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Source: [Development] SA:MP Luftschlacht - strategic WW2 Gameplay (