// Include necessary libraries
#include <a_samp>
// Define the threshold for Sobeit detection (you can adjust this value)
// Declare a global variable to keep track of Sobeit probability for each player
new Float:playerSobeitProb[MAX_PLAYERS];
// Check if the player is using Sobeit hacks
bool IsPlayerUsingSobeit(playerid)
// Perform your Sobeit detection logic here
// Assign a probability value (between 0 and 1) to playerSobeitProb[playerid] based on your detection algorithm
// For demonstration purposes, let's assume a random probability between 0 and 1 is assigned
playerSobeitProb[playerid] = random(100) / 100.0;
// If the probability exceeds the threshold, consider it as Sobeit usage
if (playerSobeitProb[playerid] >= SOBEIT_THRESHOLD)
return true;
return false;
// Kick the player for using Sobeit
void KickForSobeit(playerid)
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Your connection has been terminated for using Sobeit hacks.");
// OnPlayerConnect event handler
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
if (IsPlayerUsingSobeit(playerid))
In the OnPlayerConnect function, you can perform the necessary checks to detect if a player is using Sobeit hacks.
If the player is detected using Sobeit, you can kick them from the server using the Kick function.
Additionally, you can send a warning message to the player informing them that the use of Sobeit hacks is not allowed on the server using the SendClientMessage function.
This code provides a basic implementation of anti-Sobeit protection. You can customize it further to enhance the detection mechanism or take additional actions based on your server's requirements.