SA-MP Mobile

SA-MP MOBİLE ADD SERVER => İnclude Server => Topic started by: Matite on May 23, 2023, 05:11 AM

Title: Samp Server Launcher Server
Post by: Matite on May 23, 2023, 05:11 AM
If you have a Samp Mobile server and you want to see logins from mobile devices, you need to add a library. If you wish, you can create a protection code by adding modifications to it for cheat protection.

If you have a Samp Mobile server, and you want to monitor logins from mobile devices, you need to add a library first. Once you have added this library, you can create a protection code by making modifications to it in order to implement cheat protection.

Mobile devices can connect to your server through the Samp Mobile application to experience the game. However, if you want to secure these connections and protect against cheats, you need to develop a protection mechanism. To do this, you need to add a library first.

This library allows you to monitor logins from mobile devices and provides a basic framework for cheat protection. By doing so, you can protect your game against cheats and ensure that players have a fair experience. You can add the library according to the existing structures of your server.

After adding the library, you can create a customized protection code by making modifications to it. This code provides more effective protection against cheats and makes the gaming experience more secure for players. You can customize the protection code according to your specific needs.

In summary, if you want to see logins from mobile devices and provide cheat protection on your Samp Mobile server, you need to add a library. This library allows you to monitor logins from mobile devices and by creating a customized protection code, you can ensure a more secure gaming environment against cheats.


ATTENTION! Include the "Pawn.RakNet" plugin version "1.4.1" or higher!

bool IsPlayerMobile(playerid) - Retrieves the user's platform. Returns "true" if it's a mobile platform.

bool IsPlayerHaveAutoaim(playerid) - Checks if the player is using auto-aim. Returns "true" if auto-aim is enabled.

bool IsPlayerMobile(playerid) - Получает информацию о платформе пользователя. Возвращает "true", если это мобильная платформа.

bool IsPlayerHaveAutoaim(playerid) - Проверяет, использует ли игрок автонаведение. Возвращает "true", если автонаведение включено.

bool IsPlayerMobile(playerid) - Obține platforma utilizatorului. Returnează "true" dacă este o platformă mobilă.

bool IsPlayerHaveAutoaim(playerid) - Verifică dacă jucătorul utilizează auto-aim. Returnează "true" dacă auto-aim este activat.

bool IsPlayerMobile(playerid) - İstifadəçinin platformasını alır. Mobil platforma olarsa "true" qaytarır.

bool IsPlayerHaveAutoaim(playerid) - Oyuncunun avto-şəkilə nəzarət istifadə etdikini yoxlayır. Avto-şəkilə nəzarət açıq olarsa "true" qaytarır.

bool IsPlayerMobile(playerid) - ดึงข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับแพลตฟอร์มของผู้ใช้ คืนค่า "true" หากเป็นแพลตฟอร์มโทรศัพท์มือถือ

bool IsPlayerHaveAutoaim(playerid) - ตรวจสอบว่าผู้เล่นกำลังใช้การเล็งอัตโนมัติ คืนค่า "true" หากเปิดใช้งานการเล็งอัตโนมัติ

bool IsPlayerMobile(playerid) - Ruft die Plattform des Benutzers ab. Gibt "true" zurück, wenn es sich um eine mobile Plattform handelt.

bool IsPlayerHaveAutoaim(playerid) - Überprüft, ob der Spieler Auto-Aim verwendet. Gibt "true" zurück, wenn Auto-Aim aktiviert ist.

bool IsPlayerMobile(playerid) - Kullanıcının platformunu alır. Eğer mobil bir platform ise "true" değerini döndürür.

bool IsPlayerHaveAutoaim(playerid) - Oyuncunun otomatik hedefleme kullanıp kullanmadığını kontrol eder. Otomatik hedefleme açık ise "true" değerini döndürür.

Title: Re: Samp Server Launcher Server
Post by: MagalSS2 on Jun 30, 2024, 06:33 PM