SA-MP Mobile

SA-MP Scripting and Plugins => Scripting Help => Help Archive => Topic started by: SA:MP on May 05, 2023, 08:51 AM

Title: Loading password in y_ini
Post by: SA:MP on May 05, 2023, 08:51 AM
Loading password in y_ini

Hey guys,

Im trying to store the playerpassword in a variable, but i dont really get it how to do that. I tried INI_String(); before, but that gave me the error "Undefined symbol". Zhero(not sure if thats the right name) said this can also be done by using INI_ParseFile();, but i dont really get how to use that.

Zhero also gave me a link to his FS which uses the INI_ParseFile(); aswell, but couldnt really get it how he used it.

Can anyone give me an hand how to get the player password using INI_ParseFile();?

Im using the variable PlayerInfo[playerid][pPass] to store the password in, if you wanna know that.


Source: Loading password in y_ini (