Block Alt-EnterThe key combination sends the game into a windowed mode. I don't ever want to use it. Playing any game with a light desktop visible around it and a chance to lose focus is not useful. How could I completely disable this?
I have a problem with AutoHotkey scripts sending the game into windowed mode accidentally. This causes the display output to become corrupted, lose anti-aliasing, and usually require a restart.
In AutoHotkey I do something like the following. Just doing one SendInput {NumpadEnter} is enough to trigger the problem.
Sleep 300
BlockInput On
Sleep 100
SendInput t%Clear%/skin{NumpadEnter}
Sleep 400
; a dialog appears
SendInput %VehId%{NumpadEnter}
BlockInput Off
The combination is Alt-0. If I am still holding the Alt while an input without "t" is being sent, I will trigger the combination Alt-Enter. This happens if I have to reach across the keyboard or use two hands. I was unable to completely trap the key combination in AHK, nor programmatically release the Alt. Maybe you could give me a hint of how to find this command in samp itself to change to some non-existant combo?
Source: Block Alt-Enter (