New to Loops such as these ones, any advice?

Started by SA:MP, May 05, 2023, 05:45 AM

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New to Loops such as these ones, any advice?

This function is to get the Free Biz ID in my Database... (well actually it doesnt read the database)

Ex: I have BIZ ids 1,2,3,5: Output: Biz ID 4 is free.

This is what the loop looks like and I am just wondering if there's a smarter way to do this, it works right now though.

But I don't think it'll work if I change it in realtime, as the Array's ID's will change if I add ID 4 in, and delete ID 2, my result may not output 2....

PHP Code:






== 0)


printf("Iteration [%i]"i);//Result 0

printf("DynamicBizs[i][ID]: [%i]"DynamicBizs[i][ID]);// Result 1

LastID DynamicBizs[i][ID];



LastID == DynamicBizs[i][ID]-&& DynamicBizs[i][ID] == LastID +1)


LastID DynamicBizs[i][ID];

printf("Iteration [%i]"i);//Result 0

printf("DynamicBizs[i][ID]: [%i]"DynamicBizs[i][ID]);// Result 1



LastID == DynamicBizs[i][ID]-2)


Result i+1;




printf("GetFreeBizID Result: %i"Result);


Source: New to Loops such as these ones, any advice?