SA-MP 0.3z R2-2 server update

Started by SA:MP, May 05, 2023, 05:40 AM

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SA-MP 0.3z R2-2 server update

This update is for SA-MP server owners only

If updating from an existing 0.3z server: you can update simply by replacing the 'samp03svr' file on linux, or 'samp-server.exe' file on Windows, found in the 0.3z server download package.

SA-MP 0.3z R2-1 server

- Fix: Specially crafted tools could attack the server's lower level networking layer, causing the server to hang and drop players.

SA-MP 0.3z R2-2 server

- The default 'ackslimit' is raised from 1000 to 3000. Some servers had problems with players being erroneously kicked with an 'ackslimit' of 1000.

- Adds OnIncomingConnection pawn callback. This is a notification when an IP address attempts a connection to the server.

pawn Code:

forward OnIncomingConnection(playerid, ip_address[], port);

- Adds the following pawn natives:

pawn Code:

native BlockIpAddress(ip_address[], timems); // blocks an IP address from further communication (wildcards allowed)
native UnBlockIpAddress(ip_address[]); // IP unblock
native SendDeathMessageToPlayer(playerid, killer, killee, weapon);
native CreateExplosionForPlayer(playerid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, type, Float:Radius);

- Removes the Packet Modified lines from the server log.

- [death] [kill] [nick] messages won't be written to the server log if 'chatlogging' is 0.


SA-MP 0.3z R2-2 Linux Server:

SA-MP 0.3z R2-2 Windows Server:

SA-MP 0.3z R2-2 Linux Server (1000 max player):

Source: SA-MP 0.3z R2-2 server update